Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wild raspberries

Shhhh... Be vewy, vewy quiet.

We're hunting raspberries in the forest.

Raspberry hunting 009

Last year we got a hot tip from the husband's uncle, and we found this spot in the mountains of the Grand Mesa where wild raspberries grow along the rocky shore of a lake. By the time we got there last year, most of the raspberries had been picked by others. So I made a mental note of the time of year, and I went there today.

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Sadie and I spent 2 hours hunting for raspberries. We risked life and limb and scoldings from the local marmot population to get them.

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Raspberry hunting 001

We were obviously the first ones to be picking them, but unfortunately this was a bad year. Most plants didn't have any fruit, others had very little, and others weren't quite ripe yet.

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Raspberry hunting 011

But I still got enough of the little ruby nuggets to make at least one batch of wild raspberry jam. And let me tell you, there are very few things in life better than wild raspberry jam.

Raspberry hunting 019

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