Me neither.
But you need to make a note of it, and if you ever find yourself in southern Utah, be sure to visit. But don't sneeze or blink as you drive down Highway 12, or you'll miss it. Boulder is home to roughly 200 people and a whole bunch of cattle and horses. It is an odd patch of topsoil and pastures in the midst of a sea of sandstone cliffs and mounds that look like enormous, um, boulders.
What is there to do in Boulder? Well, mainly three things. But first you need to enjoy the experience of getting there, where you'll find red sandstone cliffs and amazing bits rock every where you turn. I was kicking myself for not paying more attention in that geology class I had way back when.

Once you get to Boulder, the first thing you want to do is experience nature. You know, go for a hike. And that's just what we did.
Here's the view just outside of Boulder. See what I mean about the sea of sandstone?

We spent Saturday morning on a 6-mile roundtrip hike to Little Calf Creek Falls. Calf Creek is the creek that is at the bottom of the canyon in the photo above. In some places the sand was so deep that it was difficult to walk. But the hike was worth it.
There were amazing sandstone cliffs everywhere.

And Calf Creek has the most gorgeous crystal clear water. So clear that you can watch the fish. That's just what Sadie did. That's a fish that she's staring at, about 2 feet in front of her nose. She was a bit puzzled at first.

But then she decided that fish must be almost as fun to chase as lizards!

So close. So, so close! But no cigar.
I kept asking the husband how we would know we reached "the" falls. We saw a few small falls along the way, but I figured there must be something more. And boy, was there!

What beautiful pictures! I envy you your weekend getaway... we just don't have terrain like that here on the east coast. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm thrilled you're excited about quilling... if I can help you get started in any way, don't hesitate to get in touch.
ReplyDeletei thought it was beautiful, but then that last pic made it off the charts fab!