Monday, December 28, 2009

Adventures with the abominable snowman

This photo of Sadie was taken around 5:45 this morning. Since we got home from Wyoming last night, she hasn't ventured far from this spot.

Sadie by fire

I am pleased to report that her body suit was a huge success. It kept her warm and snuggly so she could play in the snow with all of her cousins. And I am even more pleased to report that it was warm enough by mid-day that she didn't have to wear her little booties. (I can hear the sigh of relief out there in blogland!)

Overall, her trip to Wyoming went rather well. She had two pesky young cousins that required constant growls, and she had another handsome cousin who only slightly intimidated her. But then there was Huckleberry. I wish I'd taken a picture of him. To us, he's just a lovable Great Pyrenees that stands about waist tall. To her, he was the abominable snowman. A weimaraner-eating abominable snowman.

He stayed in the mudroom at night, and we'd have to pass by him on our way out to potty before going to bed. Whenever she was near him, she'd back against the closest object, make herself as small as possible, and stare straight at the floor. I swear I could hear her say, "Please don't look at me. Please don't look at me."

And then he'd look at her.

She'd get even smaller and I swear I could hear her say, "Please don't eat me. Please don't eat me." Lucky for her, he just wanted to hug her and squeeze her and call her George.

One of the highlights of the trip was making my first buche de noel with my sister-in-law. My two nieces did the decorations, which included juniper branches with berries that we gathered from an area by the river, small chocolate sprinkles oh-so-carefully placed by Caitlyn to represent ants, and the artful sprinkling of cocoa powder and a layer of powdered sugar snow by Caitlyn and Gabby. I think it looked pretty darn good, and we all agreed that they tasted great.

Bouche de Noel

We used this recipe and made one with caramel cream and one with a raspberry cream. I've always been too intimidated to try making one, but they really aren't that hard.

I hope you all had a fun and relaxing holiday weekend! Did any of you try new recipes or have your own encounter with abominable snowmen?

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Sadie, knows how to warm her bones like no other! Glad you enjoyed your snowy treks!

    And....I wanna see the abominable snowman!! I have such a soft spot for the big loving bruisers! They wanna be everyone's friend...but everyone is usually scared to death!

    The Buche noel looks wonderful! Ants and all!


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