Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where does the time go?

Time is flying by these days. My mom was here for about 10 days and watched Lachlan for me so that I could try to make a dent in my list of things to do (thanks, mom!!). My list was 1.5 pages long, and I finished one item and am about 75% done with another two... Ugh. But the two I'm almost finished with were the biggest items on the list--weeding my yard and printing the rest of my wedding invitation samples--so I feel like I still accomplished quite a bit.

I have lots to show you, but it's been so overcast and rainy lately that it's hard to get any good pictures. So in the meantime I'll leave you with this photo of the little man, who was four months old on Sunday! I still can't believe how fast he's growing, and he's at the point now where I can see noticable improvements in his motor skills almost daily. He's also in love with his jumperoo, which is awesome because it gives me another 30 minutes or so with two hands free to get some things done around here. :)

1 comment:

  1. Who could get anything done when there's that little cutie to entertain?!


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