While I wait, I've been cleaning like a maniac. Can I just say how amazed I am by how much dust and dog hair accumulates on TOP of the blades of the ceiling fans. Yikes.
I've also been accumulating more cute things for Goober. Like this hat. It was sent to me as a thank you by a client for doing her New Year's cards under such a tight deadline and unusual circumstances.

This is quite possibly one of the cutest baby hats I've seen. It is 100% wool but is SO soft and snuggly I can't believe it. It came beautifully packaged with a nice card. It's made by the Etsy shop My Market Stall, and she has lots of wonderful "veggie" hats and felted wool bowls and other cute hats. I think I may have to order the bunny hat. Seriously, how cute is that?!

If you're looking for a high-quality and unique baby gift for someone, I highly recommend this Etsy seller!
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