The other day I showed you the business cards I printed for my friend's
pinstriping business. Last Friday we went to the opening of the latest show at the art gallery where she has some of her work. They were having a silent auction to raise money for some local charities, and Gigi donated several pinstriped items, including 15 Christmas ornaments decorated with her pinstriping.
We bid on 5 or 6 of the ornaments, but we had to leave before the end of the auction when the bidding wars started. We still ended up with two ornaments that are completely awesome.
Aren't they amazing?
Someone else beat our bids on two of our favorite ornaments, so I've put in a request to have Gigi do some more for us. I can't wait to get them!
Amazing indeed! So glad we had a chance to see Gigi's work - would love to watch her do this. And I thought I had a steady hand - ha!