Friday, June 1, 2012

Back to the chicken coop

About 2 weeks ago I told you that my project for the weekend was to paint the trim around the chicken coop and finally fix the rock border around the day lilies. I will have you know that I did not forget about it! The project has been a bit delayed due to rain and high winds that made painting a challenge. And in the middle of picking out rocks for the border around the chicken coop day lilies I got completely side tracked with re-seeding our pasture and fixing the rock border around the area with the lavender and peach roses and day lilies. So although I made progress, it wasn't necessarily on the project I was supposed to be working on.

That happens to me a lot lately...

Here's how the chicken coop day lilies and the front of the chicken coop used to look:

day lilies and chicken house (1)

day lilies and chicken house (2)

And here's how they look now.

Chicken house mid way

Chicken coop daylilies

I actually took that photo of the day lilies about a week ago. They are now covered in buds about to open. They are THRILLED with the new rock border because it keeps the water in and they actually get a drink now! I don't think they even bloomed last year, they were so dry. Poor guys. The chicken coop is still not finished. My plan had been to paint the trim along the roof, the trim around the door, and the actual door itself a blue color that matches the blue trim on the workshop. But then I sat back and thought that the workshop only has blue trim along the roof, and the doors themselves are actually white. So to get the chicken coop to blend in with the surroundings (my goal) instead of making it stand out, I decided I'd keep the door white. But of course I don't have white paint handy. So the conclusion of this project is still about a week away, but at least I'm making progress...

Although I didn't get this project finished, I did finally get around to doing the row of moss rock in front of the fence where we have lavender and peach colored roses and day lilies. I still need to get a load of mulch for it, but it's a huge improvement over what we had before. Here's how it looked before:

Roses and lavender before

And now:

Rocks around roses and lavender
So you can see that I haven't been sitting around eating bon bons all day. (I save that for the night time!) I hope to finish a great many of these little projects this summer. It's such a great feeling to be able to start checking some boxes again on that list of things to do outside. What about you? Do any of you have any landscaping projects planned for this summer?

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